A couple of weeks ago, I decided I need to have a different understanding of time. My perspective of time revolves around my human understanding and experience. God operates on an eternal understandings of time. The bible says, "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." God has a different perspective and I want to understand His better.
I really do believe God is in control. I know that He cares about our emotions through this process. I also believe that He has a different perspective. He is working out a lot more details in this process than I will ever understand. I don't know what He is doing in Ethiopia to prepare the adoption. I don't know what God is doing in Ruston with Leland's career or with Chi Alpha to help prepare our transition. I don't know what God is doing inside of us, to prepare us to be parents. God's plans are much larger than mine...so I am sure He is working all the circumstances to His plans.
I was just skimming back through some old post and saw how much of a diff in the wait list there is between now and last July. I know it seems like it's not progressing, but that's a big diff in numbers between then and now!! Yay progress!!!
Thanks for the reminder Miranda!
Hi!! My name is Kathryn Lewis and we are adoptiong with AGCI! I believe we are right behind you on the waitlist according to your Jan numbers and when you got on the waitlist. Our official number for Feb. was #9 for a boy =) Just wanted to introduce myself and hopefully connect as we could be traveling together someday! hope to hear from you - my email is nklewis7@hotmail.com or you can comment on my blog.
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